A Hit of Hope meditations are moving!

Betsy Johnson is expanding her online offerings to include not only meditations that offer A Hit of Hope, but also yoga classes that help a person live light. Please find the archive of old meditations along with new ones at Betsy’s new website willowyogaminnesota.com. The meditations remain free, and you can receive a one-week free trial of the yoga classes when you sign up. Thank you to all who have given so much support!

Believe that love is absolutely pitiless
in its pursuit of you

Yes, sometimes our demons serve us well.

Quiet, now.
Hush, be well.

It’s easy to feel trapped
in the ordinary.

This uncertain space
has its own gifts to offer.

Let’s just get real for
a minute, shall we?

Sometimes, the huge
and fearsome creature

How you see
and what you say
determines what
you get.

There are so many things
we cannot answer right now.
Can you lean into the good questions.

I dare you to name your gifts
I dare you to name your dreams

You have what it takes
to stand, to be fierce.
You have what it takes
to fight for the good.

This - right here, right now -
is life. We’ve got this.

Wyrd is the natural consequences
of your actions. Cause and effect.

When you find yourself thrown onto a rocky path, that’s when you turn tough.

God writes straight on crooked lines.

Let’s not allow the harpy in our head to break us.

When you have survived, what happens after is just as important.

How can we be in community?
How can we help good things grow?

When life makes you growl instead of sigh.